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Drop the 9-5 and change your life with Junior Anthony and the LiveSotori Family!

Written by Collin Schmitt on November 14th 2020
Digital Marketing has been a hot topic lately for many people wanting to become entrepreneurs and live life the way it was meant to be lived, on your own terms! There is so much information out there that it can seem overwhelming, luckily, below are a few interviews with sotorians who have learned from junior anthony and the impact this program has had on their lives!

Gunnar Peters Journey

The year of 2020 was rough for Gunnar Peters as it was for a lot of others because of COVID-19. While stuck at home, Gunnar had to close two of his own businesses. That is when Gunnar chose at that moment, he needed to find an alternate method of bringing in income.

Gunnar began investigating a new industry: digital marketing. He attempted a couple of programs which generally comprised of pre-recorded content giving you guidelines of what to do. Coming from a customary business foundation, Gunnar required somebody to walk him through it.

It wasn't until he was acquainted with LiveSotori and it's 2 Day Workshop educated by a known online business professional, Junior Anthony. Junior teaches the basics about how digital marketing works. "Finally a program where a live person helps you when you need it and he does it so well! I did not know it was going to be this easy to make money online!" says Gunnar.

Today, Gunnar has joined the LiveSotori family and keeps on developing his online business the new way versus the traditional way.

Check out Gunnar's Blog at this link:

Diamond Clayton's Story

Here is how Diamond Clayton took her first steps in dropping her 9 to 5 job and joining LiveSotori.

Her goal in life was to work for herself because jobs always felt temporary to her. She said, "enough was enough”. Soon after, Junior Anthony gave her an opportunity to be able to quit that 9 to 5 grind.

Junior then began to mentor her. Diamond utilized Junior Anthony's 2-Day Live Workshop methods and made her first $600 sale.

“I'm very grateful because I’ve never made money online… He broke it down so simply.”

Diamond then left the corporate retail world two weeks later, and felt a weight off her shoulders. She always envisioned making a source of income from the comfort of home and she finally found the way to do so. All she wanted to do was improve her skills, always keep going, and assist others in changing their lives. She knew then that it was finally here; the universe brought her right to Junior.

His 2-Day Live Workshop and Earn While You Learn community saved her life. It enabled her to take back her self-worth and earn money as she masters a skill that no one can take away from her.

“I realized I can never go back to work for anyone else. I love being in control of my own destiny, choosing who I work with, and surrounding myself with wonderful like-minded people who have the same drive as me."

Being able to assist others and give to something larger than herself is another motivator. She gets to solve problems by bringing products and services to the world that people need and appreciate so that they can change their lives as well. “If I wasn't constantly improving myself, I wouldn’t be able to help others.” 

Diamond Clayton is forever grateful to be on this amazing journey.
“I can truly say I manifested him into my life and he can do the same for you.”

Check out Diamond's blog in the link below:

Brittney Caldwell's LiveSotori Experience

Brittney was your ordinary 30 year old woman living in Los Angeles going to work 5 days a week, spending up to 4 hours a day in rush hour traffic. She considered herself a successful business woman who was putting in a lot of time into her career.  She was used to spending 12-13 hours a day away from home and not with her family because that’s what successful people in LA have to do. Or at least that’s what she thought...
Jump to 2020 and COVID-19 hit. Her company wanted to take care of their employees so they sent them to work from home. She said, “my company is amazing because they are making sure I am safe.” She was so thankful and got all set up to work from home. Within the first month she started to realize that she had a lot more time every day while being at home. 

Brittney began reading some personal growth books and meditating and she realized that she was finally able to focus on herself and her family. It was then she realized that she needed to be in more control of her time while at home. She started looking into ways she can make extra money on the side while home all the time.

The internet seemed like the obvious option! She started researching different ways to make money online and decided on affiliate marketing.

That’s when she decided to sign up for a digital marketing training program that seemed great, until the up sales started rolling in. Everyone was in the middle of a pandemic and she didn’t have the money so it forced her into looking for another option that would feel like a better fit.

Then, at the perfect time she met a new friend that introduced her to LiveSotori. She had one meeting with them and knew this was where she was meant to be!

Junior was one of the most down to earth people she had every met. From the first class to now she knew she found a new family to begin this journey with. She was learning everything from affiliate marketing, dropshipping, to Facebook ads and had all the support she needed from the LiveSotori family.

Within the first week of working with her new family, she was already beginning to see the potential outcomes and new opportunities that her life could take. She realized that trading time for money had its limits and her objectives for life were evolving. She wasn’t worried though because now she has found a way to meet her financial goals and lifestyle.

Brittney now gets to work with a group of people who love to help others and cheer each other on. We get to learn digital marketing skills from a young self-made millionaire that loves to give back to new entrepreneurs.

She now sees a new side of her life and a bright future and there is no turning back!

Check out Brittney's blog in the link below:


     Trust matters to Junior. That’s why he got into the online marketing arena in the first place. Working in construction, Junior had been injured and forced to stay at home for months before returning to the job site to learn that his former bosses now considered him a liability and refused to let him go back to work.

      Down to his last few dollars, he wandered the streets calling businesses in search of his next opportunity. When that opportunity finally came he dedicated his life to helping others avoid that pain and uncertainty.

     In the eastern tradition, growth comes to the individual in two ways -
through pain or through enlightenment - Kensho or satori.

     Satori is that aha moment when the universe opens itself before you and reveals a brief moment of clarity. The epiphany. The click that Oscar Montoya heard when he realized this group was where he belonged.

     Junior Anthony named his new company LiveSotori so that he could help others grow without pain by involving himself personally in his students’ success.

“You can make $1,000 a day. You can make $10,000 a day. You just 
have to know exactly what to do,” says Junior.
“And I’m going to show you how to do it.”
“If you don’t know how to do Facebook ads, I’m going to show you 
how to do it. If you don’t know how to build a landing page, I’m going to 
show you how to do it. If you don’t know how to get a client, I’m going to 
show you how to do it.”
“I want everyone who joins me to succeed,” he says. Whatever it takes.

     His students, his Sotorians, his family, they are the proof. “I love working with this company,” says Britnee Webb. She and her cosmetics company are now “making more now than ever after years of trying online.”


     Sotorian Pere Okotete Briggs pedals his bike along the beach, laptop on his back, making money as he enjoys the sunshine.

“If you spend two hours a day on Instagram, TikTok, or whatever, you have the capability and the skills to make an income online,” says Pere. “You’ve got the skills to pay the bills.”

     As he rides, Pere hears the familiar cha ching ching notification from his phone. “I just made a thousand dollars,” he says. “Riding my bike.” And he sings a little song. “If you see Pere Okote Briggs riding or running. Hundred dollar bills be chasing me... all over the internet.” Then he laughs.

     The laugh of a contented man to whom the universe has revealed a secret.“I don’t chase money anymore.” he laughs. “Money chases me. Believe that!”

If you would like to learn more about Junior Anthony, the LiveSotori family and their next two-day workshop, visit
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